
  1import os
  2import astroid
  3from astroid import NodeNG, FunctionDef, ClassDef
  5from data.SourceFile import SourceFile
  6from data.SourceClass import SourceClass
  7from data.SourceFunction import SourceFunction
  8from data.SourceType import SourceType
  9from data.SourceVariable import SourceVariable
 12def annotation_to_type(node: NodeNG | None) -> SourceType:
 13    """
 14    Generates a type string from annotation nodes.
 16    :param node: The root annotation node.
 17    :return: A human-readable type string.
 18    """
 19    string_annotation: str = ''
 20    type_set: set[str] = set()
 21    if isinstance(node, astroid.Name):
 22        string_annotation = node.name
 23        type_set.add(node.name)
 24    elif isinstance(node, astroid.Subscript) and isinstance(node.value, astroid.Name):
 25        if isinstance(node.slice, astroid.Tuple):
 26            string_annotation = node.value.name + '['
 27            for child_node in node.slice.elts:
 28                inner_annotation = annotation_to_type(child_node)
 29                string_annotation += str(inner_annotation) + ', '
 30                type_set.update(inner_annotation.dependencies)
 31            string_annotation = string_annotation[:-2]
 32            string_annotation += ']'
 33        elif isinstance(node.slice, (astroid.Attribute, astroid.Name)):
 34            inner_annotation = annotation_to_type(node.slice)
 35            string_annotation = node.value.name + '[' + str(inner_annotation) + ']'
 36            type_set.update(inner_annotation.dependencies)
 37    # pylint:disable-next=confusing-consecutive-elif
 38    elif isinstance(node, astroid.Attribute):
 39        string_annotation = node.attrname
 40        type_set.add(node.attrname)
 41    elif isinstance(node, astroid.Const):
 42        string_annotation = str(node.value)
 43        type_set.add(str(node.value))
 44    elif isinstance(node, astroid.BinOp):
 45        left = annotation_to_type(node.left)
 46        right = annotation_to_type(node.right)
 47        string_annotation = str(left) + ' | ' + str(right)
 48        type_set.update(left.dependencies)
 49        type_set.update(right.dependencies)
 50    return SourceType(string_annotation, type_set)
 53def get_function(node: FunctionDef) -> SourceFunction:
 54    """
 55    Generates a source function based on the input node.
 57    :param node: The input node.
 58    :return: A source function.
 59    """
 60    annotation = annotation_to_type(node.returns)
 61    function: SourceFunction = SourceFunction()
 62    function.name = node.name
 63    function.returns = annotation
 64    if node.decorators is not None:
 65        for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
 66            if isinstance(decorator, astroid.Name) and \
 67                    decorator.name == 'staticmethod':
 68                function.static = True
 69    for i, arg in enumerate(node.args.args):
 70        annotation = annotation_to_type(node.args.annotations[i])
 71        try:
 72            default = str(node.args.default_value(arg.name).value)
 73        except astroid.exceptions.NoDefault:
 74            default = None
 75        except AttributeError:
 76            default = None
 77        function.params.append(
 78            SourceVariable(
 79                arg.name,
 80                annotation,
 81                False,
 82                default
 83            )
 84        )
 85    return function
 88def get_class(node: ClassDef) -> SourceClass:
 89    """
 90    Generates a source class based on the input node.
 92    :param node: The input node.
 93    :return: A source class.
 94    """
 95    source_class: SourceClass = SourceClass()
 96    source_class.name = node.name
 97    source_class.bases = [base.name for base in node.bases if isinstance(base, astroid.Name)]
 98    for child_node in node.body:
 99        if isinstance(child_node, FunctionDef):
100            source_class.methods.append(get_function(child_node))
101            for child_child_node in child_node.body:
102                if isinstance(child_child_node, astroid.AnnAssign) and \
103                        isinstance(child_child_node.target, astroid.AssignAttr):
104                    source_class.variables.append(
105                        SourceVariable(
106                            child_child_node.target.attrname,
107                            annotation_to_type(child_child_node.annotation)
108                        )
109                    )
110        elif isinstance(child_node, astroid.AnnAssign) and \
111                isinstance(child_node.target, astroid.AssignName):
112            source_class.variables.append(
113                SourceVariable(
114                    child_node.target.name,
115                    annotation_to_type(child_node.annotation),
116                    True
117                )
118            )
119    return source_class
122# pylint:disable-next=too-complex
123def get_module_info(
124        root: str,
125        file_path: str,
126        known_modules: list[str],
127        with_external_dependencies: bool = False
128) -> SourceFile:
129    """
130    Generates a source file based on the provided file path.
132    :param root: The root path of the analysis.
133    :param file_path: The file path for which to generate the source file.
134    :param known_modules: All known local modules.
135    :param with_external_dependencies: Whether external dependencies should be included.
136    :return: A matching source file.
137    """
138    module = astroid.MANAGER.ast_from_file(file_path)
139    path_modules = file_path[len(root):].split('.')[-2].split(os.sep)
140    source_file = SourceFile()
141    source_file.name = '.'.join(path_modules)
143    for node in module.body:
144        if isinstance(node, astroid.ClassDef):
145            source_file.classes.append(get_class(node))
146        elif isinstance(node, FunctionDef):
147            source_file.functions.append(get_function(node))
148        elif isinstance(node, astroid.AnnAssign) and \
149                isinstance(node.target, astroid.AssignName):
150            source_file.variables.append(
151                SourceVariable(node.target.name, annotation_to_type(node.annotation))
152            )
153        elif isinstance(node, astroid.Import):
154            if with_external_dependencies:
155                for node_name in node.names:
156                    source_file.imports.append(node_name[0])
157        # pylint:disable-next=confusing-consecutive-elif
158        elif isinstance(node, astroid.ImportFrom):
159            if node.level == 1 or node.modname in known_modules or with_external_dependencies:
160                for node_name in node.names:
161                    source_file.imports.append(
162                        ('.'.join(path_modules[:-1]) + '.' if node.level == 1 else '') +
163                        node.modname + '.' + node_name[0]
164                    )
165    return source_file
def annotation_to_type(node: astroid.nodes.node_ng.NodeNG | None) -> data.SourceType.SourceType:
13def annotation_to_type(node: NodeNG | None) -> SourceType:
14    """
15    Generates a type string from annotation nodes.
17    :param node: The root annotation node.
18    :return: A human-readable type string.
19    """
20    string_annotation: str = ''
21    type_set: set[str] = set()
22    if isinstance(node, astroid.Name):
23        string_annotation = node.name
24        type_set.add(node.name)
25    elif isinstance(node, astroid.Subscript) and isinstance(node.value, astroid.Name):
26        if isinstance(node.slice, astroid.Tuple):
27            string_annotation = node.value.name + '['
28            for child_node in node.slice.elts:
29                inner_annotation = annotation_to_type(child_node)
30                string_annotation += str(inner_annotation) + ', '
31                type_set.update(inner_annotation.dependencies)
32            string_annotation = string_annotation[:-2]
33            string_annotation += ']'
34        elif isinstance(node.slice, (astroid.Attribute, astroid.Name)):
35            inner_annotation = annotation_to_type(node.slice)
36            string_annotation = node.value.name + '[' + str(inner_annotation) + ']'
37            type_set.update(inner_annotation.dependencies)
38    # pylint:disable-next=confusing-consecutive-elif
39    elif isinstance(node, astroid.Attribute):
40        string_annotation = node.attrname
41        type_set.add(node.attrname)
42    elif isinstance(node, astroid.Const):
43        string_annotation = str(node.value)
44        type_set.add(str(node.value))
45    elif isinstance(node, astroid.BinOp):
46        left = annotation_to_type(node.left)
47        right = annotation_to_type(node.right)
48        string_annotation = str(left) + ' | ' + str(right)
49        type_set.update(left.dependencies)
50        type_set.update(right.dependencies)
51    return SourceType(string_annotation, type_set)

Generates a type string from annotation nodes.

  • node: The root annotation node.

A human-readable type string.

def get_function( node: astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.scoped_nodes.FunctionDef) -> data.SourceFunction.SourceFunction:
54def get_function(node: FunctionDef) -> SourceFunction:
55    """
56    Generates a source function based on the input node.
58    :param node: The input node.
59    :return: A source function.
60    """
61    annotation = annotation_to_type(node.returns)
62    function: SourceFunction = SourceFunction()
63    function.name = node.name
64    function.returns = annotation
65    if node.decorators is not None:
66        for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
67            if isinstance(decorator, astroid.Name) and \
68                    decorator.name == 'staticmethod':
69                function.static = True
70    for i, arg in enumerate(node.args.args):
71        annotation = annotation_to_type(node.args.annotations[i])
72        try:
73            default = str(node.args.default_value(arg.name).value)
74        except astroid.exceptions.NoDefault:
75            default = None
76        except AttributeError:
77            default = None
78        function.params.append(
79            SourceVariable(
80                arg.name,
81                annotation,
82                False,
83                default
84            )
85        )
86    return function

Generates a source function based on the input node.

  • node: The input node.

A source function.

def get_class( node: astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.scoped_nodes.ClassDef) -> data.SourceClass.SourceClass:
 89def get_class(node: ClassDef) -> SourceClass:
 90    """
 91    Generates a source class based on the input node.
 93    :param node: The input node.
 94    :return: A source class.
 95    """
 96    source_class: SourceClass = SourceClass()
 97    source_class.name = node.name
 98    source_class.bases = [base.name for base in node.bases if isinstance(base, astroid.Name)]
 99    for child_node in node.body:
100        if isinstance(child_node, FunctionDef):
101            source_class.methods.append(get_function(child_node))
102            for child_child_node in child_node.body:
103                if isinstance(child_child_node, astroid.AnnAssign) and \
104                        isinstance(child_child_node.target, astroid.AssignAttr):
105                    source_class.variables.append(
106                        SourceVariable(
107                            child_child_node.target.attrname,
108                            annotation_to_type(child_child_node.annotation)
109                        )
110                    )
111        elif isinstance(child_node, astroid.AnnAssign) and \
112                isinstance(child_node.target, astroid.AssignName):
113            source_class.variables.append(
114                SourceVariable(
115                    child_node.target.name,
116                    annotation_to_type(child_node.annotation),
117                    True
118                )
119            )
120    return source_class

Generates a source class based on the input node.

  • node: The input node.

A source class.

def get_module_info( root: str, file_path: str, known_modules: list[str], with_external_dependencies: bool = False) -> data.SourceFile.SourceFile:
124def get_module_info(
125        root: str,
126        file_path: str,
127        known_modules: list[str],
128        with_external_dependencies: bool = False
129) -> SourceFile:
130    """
131    Generates a source file based on the provided file path.
133    :param root: The root path of the analysis.
134    :param file_path: The file path for which to generate the source file.
135    :param known_modules: All known local modules.
136    :param with_external_dependencies: Whether external dependencies should be included.
137    :return: A matching source file.
138    """
139    module = astroid.MANAGER.ast_from_file(file_path)
140    path_modules = file_path[len(root):].split('.')[-2].split(os.sep)
141    source_file = SourceFile()
142    source_file.name = '.'.join(path_modules)
144    for node in module.body:
145        if isinstance(node, astroid.ClassDef):
146            source_file.classes.append(get_class(node))
147        elif isinstance(node, FunctionDef):
148            source_file.functions.append(get_function(node))
149        elif isinstance(node, astroid.AnnAssign) and \
150                isinstance(node.target, astroid.AssignName):
151            source_file.variables.append(
152                SourceVariable(node.target.name, annotation_to_type(node.annotation))
153            )
154        elif isinstance(node, astroid.Import):
155            if with_external_dependencies:
156                for node_name in node.names:
157                    source_file.imports.append(node_name[0])
158        # pylint:disable-next=confusing-consecutive-elif
159        elif isinstance(node, astroid.ImportFrom):
160            if node.level == 1 or node.modname in known_modules or with_external_dependencies:
161                for node_name in node.names:
162                    source_file.imports.append(
163                        ('.'.join(path_modules[:-1]) + '.' if node.level == 1 else '') +
164                        node.modname + '.' + node_name[0]
165                    )
166    return source_file

Generates a source file based on the provided file path.

  • root: The root path of the analysis.
  • file_path: The file path for which to generate the source file.
  • known_modules: All known local modules.
  • with_external_dependencies: Whether external dependencies should be included.

A matching source file.